The BullyBøx

The BullyBøx is a mobile application, available on iPhone and Android platforms, designed to allow students to safely and anonymously report acts of bullying or other school-safety concerns. The BullyBøx provides a “voice” to those being victimized, as well as empowering up-standers, while simultaneously allowing reporters to refrain from becoming directly involved in the incident. The application is available for free download on the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.

When adopted by school systems, this application has the potential to be a powerful tool for educators and other school-support personnel. Having The BullyBøx in their hands, students will have a means by which to safely and anonymously report school-safety concerns to their administrators, whether those concerns pertain to bullying, drugs, weapons, or fights on campus. In addition, by utilizing data gathered from the reported incidents, educators will be better positioned to improve existing strategies for resolving problems associated with bullying or other school-safety issues in their school buildings.

In addition to the iPhone and Android platforms, The BullyBøx is available on iPod Touch, tablets, and our desktop version @

Join the revolution.

Our Mission

BullyBox Inc. provides schools and their students with reliable, efficient, and anonymous tools free of charge, to facilitate the reporting of bullying, harassment, and other threats of violence.

We strive to protect students against one of the greatest threats the average child faces... other students. Too many of our family and friends have died because of the adverse consequences of bullying. The BullyBox works to prevent any more from succumbing to this fate.

Facing The Facts

  • Over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying each year.
  • 1 in 4 teachers see nothing wrong with bullying and will only intervene 4% of the time.
  • Over 67% of students believe that schools respond poorly to bullying, with a high percentage of students believing that adult help is infrequent and ineffective.
  • 71% of students report incidents of bullying as a problem at their school.
  • 90% of 4th through 8th graders report being victims of bullying.
  • Physical bullying increases in elementary school, peaks in middle school and declines in high school. Verbal abuse, on the other hand, remains constant.

Safety in mind…

Bullying has been directly linked to self-harm, eating disorders, suicide, homicide, emotional distress, extreme anxiety, psychotic behavior, severe stress, and clinical depression.

  • 75% of school shootings have been linked to bullying.
  • Approximately 160,000 teens skip school every day because of bullying.
  • 1 out of 10 students drop out of school because of bullying.

The BullyBøx serves as a facilitator of information, providing a means by which suffering students can anonymously report bullying to their school administrators. Help us to bring The BullyBøx to your school today.

Liability in mind…

“Bullying lawsuits are on the rise. There are no studies the association knows of, but anecdotal evidence shows an obvious increase.”
-Francisco Negron, General Counsel of the National School Boards Association

These laws suits are increasing for several reasons, including:

  • Increased public awareness
  • New state laws
  • A growing number of legal experts
  • Federal attention on the issue

Imagine the confidence you would exhibit in court, as a school administrator, if you were able to testify that your school has implemented The BullyBøx, providing your students a means by which to seek help, as well as the ability to constantly review and revise your polices/procedures. Help us to bring The BullyBøx to your school today!!

So, how exactly does the app work?

Without a doubt, the most important part of the app is the ability to report acts of bullying or other school-safety concerns. The reporting student can fill in any information they may have regarding a single isolated incident, or a series of related incidents. In addition, by selecting the “choose photo” button, the student can attach photographic evidence. In some cases, the photo may have been taken in the heat of the moment. In other cases, the photo may consist of a screenshot of cyber-bullying (social media, texting, etc). Students even have the option of including photos from the existing camera roll on their mobile device.

Once the reporting student taps the “send” button, the report is automatically sent through our servers, and emailed to the designated school faculty member. We offer school administrators the option of having our servers scrub reports for customizable, pre-selected key terms such as “gun”, “kill”, “bomb”, etc. If a school chooses to include this feature and a pre-selected key term is included in a report, the designated administrator will receive a priority phone call, alerting them to the report and encouraging them to check their email immediately. Due to the use of our SSL encrypted servers, reports are sent 100% anonymously, fostering an environment in which students can report bullying, cyberbullying, or school-saftey related issues, without fear of retaliation.

iPhone Phone

Data Analysis Web Tool

Example form Stats

The images on the left show the data that can be collected, analyzed, and used to formulate and evaluate school policy.

Managing all of your bullying-related data in one spot....saving administrators time and effort!!

We at MostBeastlyStudios realize how important tangible data and numbers can be for school districts, particularly as it pertains to highly controversial topics such as bullying. In addition, we recognize how busy school administrators are. Therefore, we have developed a tool for the collection and analysis of data from reports submitted through the BullyBox, as well as subsequent investigations carried out by school personnel. Af the conclusion of their investigation, the administrator or other school personnel, can access their school's individual page to input any data available. This is then tabulated to create graphs and statistics that can then be used to evaluate and update school policy regarding bullying, as well as for completing reports required by the Indiana DOE.

  • ** It should be noted that the data-analysis web tool can be used to document verbal reports, hand-written reports, as well as reports from The BullyBøx.

Potential data to be collected by reports submitted through the BullyBøx application, as well as throughout subsequent investigations by educational personnel, includes:

  • The day of the week
  • The grades of both the victim and the alleged bully
  • The level of each incident (i.e. verbal abuse, physical altercation, ect.)
  • Trends of amount of investigations based on the date
  • Time tables of each investigation, including all information supplied

CUSTOMIZABLE: Upon request, the data collected and tabulated can be customized to fit the needs of a particular school district.

Auto-Generated Data Reports

On top of the data charts and graphs, the Data Analysis Web Tool automatically creates easy to read data reports! This will assist schools in meeting standards established by their state legislatures, guiding policy, and making reports to the DOE, school boards, and other officials.


Bring The BullyBøx to your school

Sign up with BullyBøx in less than 4 minutes.

Contact us at for any questions or comments.