So you want to bring The BullyBox to your school?

Encouraging a school to sign up and use The BullyBox is best done from within. While the app and software is free to schools, it still requires a level of commitment that can take some convincing. As an agent of change, or "hero", we want to give you the tools to make a difference at your school!


There are a few ways that students can and have made changes in their schools with The BullyBox.

  • Recruit a teacher or councilor to set up The BullyBox.
  • Create a club of students to petition the school to adopt The BullyBox.
  • Help plan the rollout with a convocation or morning announcement.

Students are capable of a lot! Tell your school how important you believe anonymous reporting is and how you can help.

Parents and PTOs

As one of the loudest voices representing our students, your word carries a lot of weight. Email and talk to your administrators about what The BullyBox can do at no cost to the school.

If a student you know has a compelling story they are willing to share, use it. Administrators sometimes argue to us that there is no bullying in their schools. By sharing an instance of bullying in their school and how it could be prevented, you can better exemplify the need.

Contact us if we can assist you in bringing The BullyBox to your school

Teachers and Faculty

Any faculty member can create an account to represent the school. That said, The BullyBox doesn't do much if students don't know about it. The biggest challenge you will face is organizing a "rollout plan".

Rollouts are often facilitated by convocations or a school-wide announcement that The BullyBox is now available. When using the app, students must enter a report code that represents the school, so we also encourage our schools to hang posters with that report code in high-traffic hallways.

Bring The BullyBøx to your school

Sign up with BullyBøx in less than 4 minutes.

Contact us at for any questions or comments.